Services Offered
Defining the Market Opportunity
- Market Research and Segmentation
- Sizing the Market
- Competitive Analysis
- Writing the Business Plan
- Pitching to Investors
Launching and Marketing the Product/Service
- Positioning and Branding
- Marketing Communications
- Customer Acquisition
- Analytics Email and Search Engine Marketing PR
Defining the Product/Service
- Concept Research with Users/Prospects
- Product Strategy and Roadmap
- Requirements Document (MRD/PRD)
- Prioritization of Requirements/Features
Managing the Product/Service
- Soliciting and Analyzing Voice of Customer
- Improving Customer Retention
- Identifying and Analyzing Key Metrics
- Optimizing Profitability
Developing the Product/Service
- Functional Requirements/Specifications
- User Interface Design
- Prototyping
- Usability
- Managing Beta Program/User Feedback
Optimizing the Organization
- Improving Product Development Processes
- Organizational Design
- Facilitating Cross-functional Teamwork
- Interviewing PM Candidates on your Behalf
- PM Coaching and Training